NEIGE ET NOIRCEUR set release date for new album

NEIGE ET NOIRCEUR set release date for new album

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Sepulchral Productions sets June 24 as the international release date for Neige et Noirceur’s highly anticipated fifth album, Les Ténèbres Modernes. Following 2014’s critically acclaimed Gouffre onirique et abîmes cosmiques, Les Ténèbres Modernes is Neige et Noirceur’s fourth album for Sepulchral Productions and fifth overall. Neige et Noirceur was born out of the warped mind of Zifond in Candiac, Québec, in 2005. Over the course of five albums and multiple EPs and split albums, the group has developed its very own brand of raw, hypnotic and ambient black metal, and have become a favorite of the genre.

Not one to keep repeating himself, Zifond now pushes Neige et Noirceur over the edge of abrasiveness. Focusing on the Great War of 1914-18, Les Ténèbres Modernes will plunge you into this mechanical and suffocating hell with its alloy of vicious black metal and corrosive ambient passages. From the visuals to the corrosive ‘n’ suffocating sounds, this is without a doubt the harshest Neige et Noirceur album to date, which goes hand-in-hand with its World War I theme. Also worth noting are the vocals of Schimaera – AKA Chimère Noire, who’s done artwork for Portal and Cruciamentum among many others – who here joins the ranks of Division N&N for this assault. First track premiere to be revealed shortly; preorder for the album can be found HERE. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:


Tracklisting for Neige et Noirceur’s Les Ténèbres Modernes
1. Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
2. Battlespirit
3. Walpurgis 1917
4. La Saison des Morts
5. La Mécanique de Lucifer
6. Post Mortem
7. Ciel d’Acier
8. Felgrau
9. Des Spectres
10. Adieux


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