Putrid Offal on Radio Campus Lille

Putrid Offal on Radio Campus Lille

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PUTRID OFFAL has announced that their first gig in 20 years will be a live session for French radio show Killing Machine (airplay on Radio Campus Lille, PodCasts available on MixCloud). The metal show is one of the oldest on French radio. Scheduled for airplay on February 15, this session will mark PUTRID OFFAL’s official live return in support of their February 2015 debut full-length Mature Necropsy on Kaotoxin Records and will be the first of an ongoing series of shows, including appearances at Unideath Fest (BE) on May 23 and at DeathFeast (DE) September 10-12.

DJ Arno Geenens was part of Underground Records / Reincarnate Records in the 90s and responsible for the release of several Supuration albums and the Obscurum per Obscurium compilation (1992), which featured six of the best extreme metal underground bands from the Northern France scene. The PUTRID OFFAL contribution to that release can be found on their 90s discography compilation Premature Necropsy.

Picking up where the Suffering EP, the band’s vehement return from hiatus, left off, Mature Necropsy is the first PUTRID OFFAL full-length in 25 years. Mature Necropsy, will be released on February 10 via Kaotoxin Records and will feature the band’s entire back catalogue completely re-written and re-recorded. Kaotoxin is offering the album as a 1000 copies limited edition double DigiSleeve CD, with both Mature Necropsy along with bonus cover versions and Premature Necropsy, a compilation of all of their 90s original material, remastered. The digital version will come as two separate releases.


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