RETCHED Release New Single ‘Horrific’

RETCHED Release New Single ‘Horrific’

- in News

Released by: Sliptrick Records 12.07.24
Format: Online Single
Genre: Old School Thrash Metal

Available now at: Apple Music | Spotify | & other major stores

US thrash metal project Retched have released a new version of the track Horrific with a refreshed production by David DerMinasian.

David had this to say about the track; “Horrific is a song of war and hatred and how we as the human race is doomed because the world leaders will not stop being greedy and hungry for war, its about the insanity of the present and past life. It’s about how religious leaders who say they are with god but are not because they use god for thier own needs to get what they want.”

Retched will be coming at the world loud and heavy with a full CD release later in the year via Sliptrick Records.

Retched are:
David DerMinasian – Rhythm & Lead Guitars/Bass/Drums/Vocals

Band links: Official Website | Facebook | Youtube | Instagram | On Sliptrick

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