Review: Antologi “Chronicles Of Catastrophes” [Vrykoblast Productions]

Review: Antologi “Chronicles Of Catastrophes” [Vrykoblast Productions]

- in Reviews

We seldom hear about underground Thrash bands from Asia. There are great underground bands from this part of the world that await discovery and these guys in Antologi are part of that need to be included, clearly wanting to rise above their contemporaries. The number of tracks in this release is interesting as they amount to twelve plus, they are not short like songs although most are around 4 minutes and some change. I thought that was different and for the amount of songs and the style they have a strong leaning on. Sound quality wise, this is a very clean, crystal recording with all the levels even, well done there.

Antologi‘s Chronicles of Catastrophes is the band’s third release as well as having a couple of singles. If you are a guitar player and fancy a lot of tightly performed riffs, you’ll find them here.

As the first track began, here we have an instrumental with instantly brings to mind a reminiscence of and influence, of the works of King Diamond‘s Andy Laroque‘s, with a slight resonance that made me think of the song Hallow’s Eve by the band of the same name (and not anything else). Then, those infinitely well performed Megadeth type guitars announce their forthcoming arrival. Audibly, it was interesting to me to encounter an interesting mix of Thrash type Death Metal combined with dashes of Coroner found in the “No More Color” era and an obvious love of Slayer riffage chunks. Drums add a tightly executed pounding in several parts similar to what one would hear in a band like Cannibal Corpse plus, I dare say, a Seance type quality at times.

By now, you have read that there are references to other band’s styles in the guitar department and that is only because of the quality apprenticeship they absorbed and show have they successfully graduated their Metal area skills. Antologi itself is a dual guitar player work driven band. In listening to how their songs are composed, this feels like they are made for a live setting creating a sea of moshers and they would need a lot of room more than twice.

Antologi‘s display of talent is not to say that an influence makes a copy, it doesn’t work like that. Antologi certainly know their Metal. By the same token, while applying several layers of guitar work, some listeners may feel a little lost in there when waiting for more aggression to kick in.

Personally, I am enjoying the more aggressive tracks like “The Forsaken Ones”, “Through Aeon of Time” and “We Will Rise” due to personal preferences.

It is strongly suggested to give them the opportunity to jam for you and very likely to be a welcomed addition to your Thrash collection and be in your favorite playlists for a long while.

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