Review: Cryptosis ”Bionic Swarm” (Century Media Records)

Review: Cryptosis ”Bionic Swarm” (Century Media Records)

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78 78%
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Cryptosis from the Netherlands started out in 2013 as the old school Thrash outfit Distillator. After releasing two albums they noticed a huge advancement in their musical skills and wanted to explore vaster territories with their Thrash Metal. So they changed their name to Cryptosis and managed to score a record deal with Century Media for this debut album.

Right from the start when they released their first single for this new album they showed that they truly meant business. Bionic Swarm starts off right away with some technical and ultra-intense riffing. Guitarist Laurens Houvast is shredding like a maniac on the guitar yet manages to maintain a blasting catchiness and imaginative hooks throughout the album. The rhythm section is just as intense as the guitars and smashes the listener’s skull right in with some furious speed and groove, packed with a maze full of tempo changes and other twists and turns.

The vocals are raw and menacing which gives another threatening feel to the album, remarkably similar to the Progressive side of Pestilence. They add another layer of guitar chords and atmosphere upon the album as well which takes the listener into a science lab in a not too distant future where sinister experiments go horribly wrong. If Cryptosis keeps up such amazing work as this they could easily beat Vektor off the throne of modern Technical Thrash Metal.


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