Review DARKYRA “Fool” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review DARKYRA “Fool” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews



Well, it wasn’t easy to find any information about the band. But in my dictionary there’s no word “impossible”, so… Band as a band isn’t only young, but even very young – it begun its life last year. But the truth is that already three years before vocalist Gina Bafile started to realize her musical ideas under mentioned name. Firstly it was just a solo project with participation of studio musicians. But last year Gina decided to create real band. What she decided that she did. She found right musicians in Perth Australia and here we have it!

“Fool” is a third full-length in history of DARKYRA BLACK. Two previous ones, as I read on official website of the band, met good response. Well, I’m sure that the same will be with the newest masterpiece. I can’t hear anything wrong in this album. But it’s just not my cup of beer. That’s right, there’re some interesting moments which I can connect somehow with Power Metal here. They’re about some riffs, but are rare, by the way. In my opinion they’re too rare. Somewhere I found term: Symphonic Hard Rock”. And here I could repeat sentence which I already wrote somewhere. That’s the fact that it’s melodic, sometimes even very melodic. But is that means that it has something to do with Symphony?!? But, as I also wrote, maybe I have some strange imaginations about what is Symphony. Anyway, during these twelve songs we have to do with calm music. It doesn’t mean that there’s nothing what happen in that. NO! It’s even opposite. Riffs in general are as aggressive as it can be uin such music, sometimes there’s some solo or other stuff like that. Bass and drums also play in various and interesting way. There’re also keyboards, but they’re rather subtle and absolutely don’t play some stupid sweet melodies. Together with guitars they build climate, climate which has something mysterious in itself. Maybe it’s quite specific vocal of Gina (she sings of course with her clean voice)?!? But in music there’s also something. Anyway, I guess that it’s not too easy to classify it. As I said sometimes I hear here some touches of Power Metal, sometimes Rock, sometimes something what I connect with movies about Middle Age, dragons and stuff like that.

As I said, it’s nothing what I’ll listen too often. Maybe from time to time I’ll have right mood for that, but… Anyway, if there’s somebody (and I know that there’s) who likes climates like that – I invite to getting to know this album!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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