Review: Diabolical “Umbra”

Review: Diabolical “Umbra”

- in Reviews

Diabolical - Umbra - ArtworkDiabolical “Umbra”
Vicisolum productions

On July, 8 will be released new EP Umbra from the masters of non-standard death metal, Sweden band Diabolical. This album can be a nice surprise for intellectual metal fans. Band’s discography telling us that something usual from this band can’t be expected for sure, so there will be a lots of surprises in a new album, taken from various genres and accumulated on a rich death-metal base.

«Umbra» can be translated from Latin as «shadow». It’s changing forms are amaze us and scary sometimes. An album is also chimeric, epic, fluid and in general in makes a very positive impression (if it can be said about dark and infernal playing). The cover is unusual for Diabolical: the band haven’t used covers like this from the times of Deserts of Desolation. The art is more black-metal than death, but it’s definitely accords to musical content.

Umbra contains four songs:

  1. “Requiem”
  2. “Diaspora”
  3. “Tremor”
  4. “Decline”

From the first song the brutal atmosphere with some mystery can be felt. All four songs are various by the character but on the whole they are just variations of mix of scaring darkness, awful twilight and light gleams.

“Requiem” is extremely powerful composition, which shows all mighty that a man can get from six strings and vocal cords. Undoubtedly, there are some echoes from melodic- and symphonic-death, although there weren’t used some specific instruments. Maybe that very feeling of symphonic caused by using choir from otherworld voices.

Second song “Diaspora” is less atmospheric, but it’s remembered by interesting rhythm changes. It’s the most tough song in an album and it will be liked definitely by classic death sound fans.
“Tremor” , light and tragic at the same time, offers a little philosophy. Vocal line here is a monolog about fear. Algae-like music creates feeling of insecurity and intensity. Also, the melody goes tender and easy, creating inexpressible ambience in your mind, which can’t be explained by known categories.

Before EP release, Diabolical made lyric-video for the fourth song – “Decline”, which already gained a lots of positive feedbacks. In my opinion, “Decline” isn’t the best song in Umbra, but if you’ll like it, you’ll be delighted by a whole album.

This work is very interesting an worth attention at least because this hot summer is extremely important to have an opportunity for rest some time in a cold and mystery shadow.


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