Review: Don’t Sleep “Turn The Tide” [Mission Two Entertainment]

Review: Don’t Sleep “Turn The Tide” [Mission Two Entertainment]

- in Reviews

Turn the Tides is not an album you want to miss out on. Period. A melodic take on a classic hardcore sound, Don’t Sleep‘s upcoming full length release will keep you humming for days.

I have very little to say about this one, so let’s just do this thing. If you’re looking for a high concept, virtuosic experience then this won’t be for you. But if you’re looking for a rock solid album that you’ll enjoy the shit out of, this will give you what you need in spades. It’s just plain kickass.

Featuring a distinctly retro sound, the album somehow forgoes any sense of being dated. Hooks are catchy as hell, with timeless themes being heavily represented by the lyrics. Musically speaking, if you’ve ever heard a hardcore band with a melodic side to them you’ll be familiar with what’s going on. But that’s not a bad thing at all. The band is tight and more than capable, but possessing a  very easy going trait that makes it very accessible. It’s comforting. It’s enjoyable. It’s wonderful.

While Turning the Tides doesn’t feature anything truly groundbreaking, what it does offer is some of the most enjoyable punk rock of the day. Give it a listen, dance, sing along. Most of all, enjoy. I know I did.

Release date: September 4th, 2020

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About the author

Peter Morsellino is writer and composer based in sunny Upstate NY. Learn about his various project on Twitter @PMorsellino

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