Review: Eggs of Gomorrh “Outpregnate” [Krucyator Productions] + PROFANE ORDER “Slave Morality” [Sentient Ruin]

Review: Eggs of Gomorrh “Outpregnate” [Krucyator Productions] + PROFANE ORDER “Slave Morality” [Sentient Ruin]

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Eggs of Gomorrh “Outpregnate” [Krucyator Productions]
I have never heard of this quartet from Switzerland before so, being that I rarely get to hear Swiss stuff, it seemed it was time to break that element. Getting to the point, Eggs of Gomorrh is a banner carrier of the style heard from groups like Perdition Temple, Impetuous Ritual, Diocletian, etc… you get the picture. As with most bands, the members are or were in different outfits in their home country but, interestingly enough, the performance of the songs is tight and solid and offer their own take on the songs featured here. I do not hear anything which would lead me to tell you this is not something to attain because, you really should if you want to hear more of the killer riffs they have. Keep an eye open with these guys. [70/100]

PROFANE ORDER “Slave Morality” [Sentient Ruin]
When I first was about to hear this some months back, I whole-heartedly awaited the inbound, crushing feel Profane Order displayed so frantic-like and without flaw, in the beyond fantastic “Tightened Noose of Sanctimony” release from 2017. Well, hate me all you want but the feeling isn’t present this time. Their sound has metamorphosed into a cold, heartless machine that has shed any possible return to an earlier human state of existence. Hard to tell about what goes through people’s minds more than half the time these days! But while “Slave Morality” is like a crackhead on steroids chopping nuns with an axe, their sound is now more structured, ladden with heaviness, distortion and the “crispier” sound quality. Let’s call it Profane Order V.2. All the tracks are fully gripping and I find no faults here. This is a rare example of when a band moves forward and succeeds at deviating from its path a bit further but, it is still the monster you know. [100/100]

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