Review: GoreThrone “The Descension”

Review: GoreThrone “The Descension”

- in Reviews

This April young American deathsters GoreThrone have released independently their very first record, 17-minute EP The Descension. And without any promotional help from the labels, Gorethrone’s music cries for itself with blatant aggression, perfectly capable of paving its way to the hearts of modern death metal lovers.

They chose to play death metal, but it’s obvious, that the stylistic boundaries are way too suffocating for them, so they’ve expanded their visions of classical death metal, adorning it with some contemporary hints and melodic sparks. And despite the shortness of the songs (on average, every song runs less than three minutes), every track is elaborately composed and doesn’t create an impression of incompleteness, on the contrary, cohesiveness of this release is truly amazing.

The Descension is all about the chaotic perception; the discordant riffs and asymmetrical musical time signatures even imply on some mathcore principles, though the musicians have never considered deliberately complicating their music. So these disharmonic designs build up some sort of messiness, yet in a way they are responsible for more progressive aura (especially on “Alpha”). Strangely enough, but the melodic patterns entwine from time to time the most pensive moments, so death metal mutates to a softer melodic death/metalcore direction with atmospheric echoes, most notably audible on “Celestial Noise” and “Grim”. GoreThrone are also in good terms with modern experiments, carelessly exploring the impact of deathcore/grindcore on old school death metal with general influence towards hardcore scene (“Big High War God”). And the black metal also adds some colors to their dynamic and non-smooth musical journey (“Necropolis”).

The sound on The Descension is far from great, and that’s one of the reasons, why this musical chaoticness is in such a state, that almost causes vertigo, and together with atypical structures, it’s not so easy to get through all these messy labyrinths to the core of the music. But it’s worth it, the muted instruments and dirty sound can’t destroy open-heartedness of these deathsters from Michigan, so prone to elevate the boundaries of static death metal with original ideas and bold stylistic explorations.

Release date: April 30th, 2021

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