Review: HAMMER KING “Poseidon Will Carry Us Home” [Cruz Del Sur Music]

Review: HAMMER KING “Poseidon Will Carry Us Home” [Cruz Del Sur Music]

- in Reviews

More than ever (read on previous albums) there are similarities with legendary heavy metal bands. It is hard not to recognize riffs of Running Wild, Hammer Fall or Iron Maiden. In few sentences, that is how could I describe Hammer King`s new album.

Titan Fox V seems to be tired, cause at some parts he sings so weakly, and we all know he can do it much better. Atypical for starter, the first song “Poseidon Will Carry Us Home” is in slow pace. Luckily, the next one is awakening. But it seems, Kings decided to fill the album layer by layer, slow, fast, slow, fast… I wont say I was dissapointed, but I expected more, at least in range of previous albums.

And finally, “The King Is A Deadly Machine” is Hammer King I know and I love. “Battle of Wars”, so as “Glorious Night Of Glory” can compete riffs with legendary Running Wild. Plus, “Glorious Night Of Glory” includes some Manowar elements. “Locust Plague” and Hammer Fall influence strikes from then very first riff while “We Sale Cape Horn” draws Iron Maiden elements. Weird or not, “Last Rites”, if I was the one who would decide, should be put as an intro, and than it would be a perfect package.

I wont say I am disappointed, this is solid album, but I am sure Kings can do it better!

Overall: it seems the band has lost enthusiasm and energy somewhere on the sea. The ship sank, only Poseidon can save it!

Personal favorites: “The King Is A Deadly Machine”, “Warriors Of Angelhill”, “Last Rites”.

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