Review: Khandra “All is of no Avail”

Review: Khandra “All is of no Avail”

- in Reviews

Khandra “All is of no Avail”

Here’s the debut single from a Black Metal band that only formed earlier this year. They are called Khandra and they’re from the mysterious land of Belarus… well, it’s mysterious to me, at least.

And as an opening statement, I think plenty of people will sit up and take notice when they hear this.

For the most part, it just flattens you with its overwhelming power. And that comes from both the music and the very impressive production.

Opener, Where Death Has Settled In Life, is pretty much a lesson in aural domination. It builds for the first 40 or so seconds and it then unleashes hell before it settles into a more measured approach.

Presence Is No Longer Relevant, is a much calmer affair, but it still packs quite a punch as the calmer style makes way for some very majestic Black Metal onslaughts.

The thing that impresses me the most about this single is the good use of melody, which doesn’t weaken the power in any way. I’ve no idea of the band members background, but they know how to write good music, that’s for sure.

You can download this via Bandcamp, but personally, I think $5 on Bandcamp for a 2 tracker is a bit expensive, especially for a new band. I’d think about making it $2 or even free, because it’s just going to end up on the Russian sites anyway. So why not gain some fans who will connect with you, instead of the anonymous freeloaders.

In terms of the music on offer, these guys are definitely ones to watch.

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