Review: Khold “Svartsyn” [Soulseller Records]

Review: Khold “Svartsyn” [Soulseller Records]

- in Reviews

This is the seventh album from this frantic band and it’s a pity that it took much more time to release it than the previous one because I want more music from these guys. At the same time I understand that almost all the members are playing at Tulus, while the drummer released six albums from his Sarke project in a previous decade but still I can’t get enough of Khold‘s music.

So, what we got here is the same dark and raw Black Metal, mostly mid-paced, stinking of bog and shroud. As usual, this album is properly recorded and has a great production. It has a smooth rhythm and pulsing bass (that luckily isn’t just “supports” guitars), along with memorable riffs and penetrating vocals.

As we look closer on the tracks we can see interesting melodic guitar lines in “Ødslet Blod” and “Skarpretter”, furious headbanging in “Apostel” (and “Skarpretter” as well) and “Helligdom Av Døde”, full of darkness. “Manngard” is straight and fast-paced, which is not inherent to the band and a little less interesting than the other songs but at the same time it is something fresh and new. “Bryt i Udåd Ut”, in its turn is moderately paced with a little taste of sludge and eerie atmosphere.

For my sorrow, I haven’t read the lyrics but I’m sure that lyrics, written by Hildr draws by its unusual dark atmosphere, as it always was. Long time ago I started to learn Norwegian just because the lyrics of the band and I always try to grasp the lyrics of each album (while there are rumors that Norwegians themselves don’t completely understand the band’s lyrics.)

If you ask me about the overall impression, I can tell that the first part of the album is much more attractive: it’s brighter and interesting musically. But overall, it seems like this music is spewing the poison and this is great! That’s exactly what I’ve expected from Khold‘s new album, as the previous Til Endes was the weakest one from the band’s discography. Svartsyn did not reach my favorite Mørke Gravers Kammer and Krek but it definitely met my expectations.

Score: 84/100

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