Review MORTILLERY “Shapeshifter” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review MORTILLERY “Shapeshifter” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


MORTILLERY “Shapeshifter”
Napalm Records

It’s time for some Thrash Metal, Thrash Metal in old good style!!! Well, before I checked out facts about this band I was almost sure that they come from Germany and have quite long “career” behind themselves. I can’t remember that I heard at least about them, but…  With this long internship we can make some dispute if 7 years is long or not. But place of origin is fuckin’ far from Germany. It’s Edmonton in Alberta province in eastern part of Canada.

Until now my connotations with this city was first of all oil, even NHL’s team from Edmonton calls Oilers. It’s of course important economic, educational and cultural center of province. But since I heard MORTILLERY than it’ll be my first connotation with Edmonton!

Music as I mentioned is Thrash Metal in old German style. There’re some other influences, but the strongest is what happened in this music in Germany in 80’s and on the beginning of ‘90’s. So we have first of all aggressive, but melodic and easy to be catchy in the same time riffs, a little hysteric (in positive meaning of this word) and “German” hoarse vocal of Cara McCutchen, galloping drums… There’re moments when Cara presents us her clear vocal, but it happens rarely and even in these moments vocal is aggressive and surely it’s not some sweet “lalalalala”! Of course we have some calmer parts here, but it happens rather rarely. In general music provoke very strongly to headbanging and even moshing all the time! It’s not question of some blistering tempo and stuff like that! Even if Kevin Gaudet mostly works his ass off as crazy we can’t say that we have here even sign of fast tempos. It’s middle one, sometimes even a little lower. Thank to two guitars music is more spatial, from time to time we can hear some solos what absolutely doesn’t mean that it lost anything from its aggression or brutality (in Thrash meaning)! Also Miranda’s Wolfe bass work is very good! There’s at least one moment when we can very clearly hear how she can to awl. Lyrics are also typical for early Thrash Metal era, too. They say about Hell, Death, Evil, Murder and Apocalypse.

Generally I recommend this album from deep of my infected by Metal heart to all Thrashers!!! Who cares that it’s typical and there’s no originality?!? I prefer this than some stupid experiments! Guys draw on experiences of old good roots of this sub-genre of Metal and do it very well. What to want more?!? NOTHING!!!! Just listen and make headbanging to warship all what’s evil. Don’t forget about doing it as often as possible!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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