Review: Napalm Death “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism” [Century Media Records]

Review: Napalm Death “Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism” [Century Media Records]

- in Reviews

There are not many bands who sound as vital and incendiary as Napalm Death do, especially for a band who are forty years into their career. In fact there is not one band on this planet who sound as vital and as incendiary as Napalm Death do to this day and Throes Of Joy In The Jaw Of Defeatism, the bands latest album, proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Throes Of Joy In The Jaw Of Defeatism is the sixteenth album that Napalm Death hare released, and this is a landmark in itself with the longevity of the band proven without question and the strength of their back catalogue unparalleled but this a band who have always placed themselves at the forefront of forward thinking extreme music and this is what elevates then from the rest of their peers and this album does exactly that.

Throes Of Joy In The Jaw Of Defeatism is a lesson in not only pure Grindcore energy, the way in which Napalm Death have always excelled in but also in the cathartic power of pure and joyful music.

From the opening throes of the intense Fuck The Factoid to the masterful and expansive noise of Contagion to the swirling death metal grind of Acting In Gouged Faith and beyond, this is an album that sounds like an aural reflection of the crazy and uncertain times that we are living in at the moment. However uncertain these times may be, if you’ve got Napalm Death soundtracking them, the things will be all good and Throes Of Joy In The Jaw Of Defeatism is the sound of a band telling it like it is, educating and annihilating the way they have always done.

Songs on this album like the berserk That Curse Of Being In Thrall, the breathtaking Zero Gravitas Chamber and the insanely heaviness of the albums title track are Napalm Death to the very core and sound as vital as Napalm ever have and when you reach the albums coupe de grace, A Bellyful Of Salt In Spleen, an unholy cacophony of industrial fuckery, like an unholy alliance between Swans, Ministry, Skinny Puppy and Napalm themselves, it is like anything you have heard from Napalm Death before and it sounds utterly glorious.

Add in a couple of covers, done Napalm style, from Sonic Youth (White Kross) and a particularly stomping and perfectly chosen Rudimentary Peni (Blissful Myth) and you have an album that salutes the past, represents the present and annihilates the future in pure and passionate Napalm Death style.

Release date: September 18th, 2020

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