Review: NOVA “Soli Contro Il Mondo”

Review: NOVA “Soli Contro Il Mondo”

- in Reviews

NOVA “Soli Contro Il Mondo”
Aeternitas Tenebrarum Musicae

The biography that came with this was release was, to put it mildly, overblown pretentious crap, so we’ll cut to the chase with my version.

This is album number two for Italian’s Nova. They’re a Black Metal band that sing about Italian history and war. Job done.

Their brand of Black Metal isn’t (just) the all out blasting variety. It’s much more structured and I guess the tide moves with the storyline. And it’s not a million miles away from some of the (classier) Scandinavian or North American bands you’d find on the likes of Nordvis, or even an Italian version of Primordial… if I’m not being too bold on that last statement.

It’s well thought out, cleverly constructed, and when it needs to, it definitely delivers a punch or two. Throw in the odd folk sound, the rabble rousing sense of battles and great wars and you’ve got yourself a top notch album.

And the more I play this, the more I don’t think I’m too far off the mark with the Primordial comparison, albeit with an Italian slant, thanks to the vocals.

With the number of albums I cover, I don’t always get to play an album as many times as I’d like to. I think this will end up being one of the keepers… an album I will continue to play long after my review is published.


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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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