Review: Persuader “Necromancy” [Frontiers Music]

Review: Persuader “Necromancy” [Frontiers Music]

- in Reviews

Power metal from Germany has influenced a lot of bands over the years. The Swedish Persuader doesn’t make an exception. On “Necromancy” you can clearly hear the spirit of Blind Guardians “Imaginations from the Other Side”. Persuader manage to mix it with a nice touch of modern brutality. This isn’t unexpected. Some members of the quartet played in bands such as Naglfar and Necrophobic. Overall this combination gives the songs a very nice flow of massive energy.

The high technical level makes the music on “Necromancy” very interesting even if you’re not into power metal. The rhythm section drives forward without any compromises and gives a solid foundation for the nice melodies played throughout the songs. I think I don’t have to mention that there are nice powerful chorus hooks in every song, it’s power metal, right.

Persuader gives their music a nice modern touch. If you don’t check them out, you will surely missing something.

Release date: December 4, 2020

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