Review: Proscrito “Llagas y Estigmas” [Memento Mori]

Review: Proscrito “Llagas y Estigmas” [Memento Mori]

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Score 40%
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Proscrito are located in Spain and play a no-frills form of mid to slow Death Metal. “Llagas y Estigmas” (translation: sores and stigmas) is their second output but offers very little in the sense that we have heard similar aspects in so many other bare bones type Death Metal. As I listened, I could not find anything which would add something new or different by Proscrito in this release and honestly, its easy to dismiss this as non-eye opening. Now, as I was about to hang up the cape on this review, I wondered if there was more material by these Spaniards and yes, there is. While my review of “Llagas and Estigmas” is not an enlightening one, it’d be total bullshit if their prior release, “El Calvario” (translation: Calvary) was not mentioned here. What happened here between these two releases? Why is there a chasm? I do enjoy my listening experience to “El Calvario” much further ahead, this takes me back to those days when Winter was clawing its way around the scene in the 1990’s and it bears a heavy crunch, a carrying feel as if the Reaper carries you in his arms. So, “llagas y Estigmas” is something that you might feel is uninspired after listening but, if you want to hear the other better side of the coin, “El Calvario” is truly magnificent and worth the listen.

Release date: January 27th, 2020

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