Review: Rammstein “Zeit” [Universal Music Group]

Review: Rammstein “Zeit” [Universal Music Group]

- in Reviews

Rammstein arose from the grave in 2019 and released their first studio album in ten years. Just when they were about to embark on their mandatory massive world tour for said album the Covid-19 pandemic and halted all such plans. So, what to do in such dark times? Well, Rammstein did the only thing they could do. They locked themselves in the studio once more and started writing new music. What was rumored at first to be just an EP has now been released and turned out to be a brand-new full-length album, and I must admit this is one of their best efforts they have put out in ages.

While the previous self-titled album had a few really amazing songs and also a lot of fillers, Zeit works in a rather different way. This one is instead great all the way through. The songs here are not really as strong and amazing as for example masterpieces “Deutschland” or “Puppe” from the Rammstein album. Still, it’s pretty close and this one sure have some immaculate moments as well.

On Zeit Rammstein gives us their best at their three main segments that defines their sound. We get some typical Rammstein “Pop hits” such as the ultra-catchy “Giftig”, which makes it absolutely impossible to sit still. We also have their signature epics like the title track, with its massive atmosphere and almost Black Metal-influenced riffs. Something that also could be heard on “Seemann” from their debut album.

Even thou most of their later material is leaning toward these two levels, Rammstein still doesn’t shy away from some real heaviness when they really want to. Like the second single “Angst” that completely obliterates the listener just the way only Rammstein manages. Like I said in the beginning, instead of writing an album with a few amazing tracks and tons of fillers, Zeit is a great album all the way through, and probably their best released in a long, long while.

Score: 87 / 100

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About the author

Long-time Metalhead and singer in underground bands like TERRAVOID and PHIDION. I’m also making artworks occasionally.

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