Review: Ritual Necromancy “Disinterred Horror”

Review: Ritual Necromancy “Disinterred Horror”

- in Reviews

Ritual Necromancy Disinterred Horror
Dark Descent Records

Well, metal has always had some mixed results while sticking to the traditional mold. Often there are records that follow an old and tested method of execution of a particular style and does this so eloquently it feels excellent on a listener’s ear. But just as often using previous well received norms make a new album sound bland and uninspired. Ritual Necromancy in their latest outing Disinterred Horror done quite an excellent job of reproducing old school death metal with passion and skills, and it often sounds quite enjoyable to a veteran old school death metal fan like me, but it also lacks that bit of originality which could have made this into something really extraordinary.

Well, Disinterred Horror sounds just as can be hoped from any death metal band influenced by the likes of Incantation. They does execute their brand with a good vocal performance, aggressive riffs and tight drumming that would make any fan of extreme music headbang. But therein also lies their weakness, as Ritual Necromancy never really seemed to be able to transcend their influences. I felt like I was listening to one song throughout as nothing ever really changed. I just didn’t find that special something that would make me return for repeated listens despite this type of death metal really being one of the blends of metal I really enjoy.

‘Justin Friday’ does a great performance on his vocals giving the songs an atmospheric horror edge throughout. The twin guitars from ‘Adam Wheeler’ and ‘Jay Worth’ also do their job commendably, as they complement each other delightfully (although I would have liked some more solos to be honest). ‘Kevin Schreutelkamp’ is machine like precise in his drumming as is expected of him. There is nothing to complain about the skills of the members yet there is also that precise lack of originality. I kept waiting for some surprise twist or punch in the gut type of something that would finally grip me, which never really came.

As I have mentioned the whole album seemed like listening to a single song. But nevertheless I would say if I dissect the album the stand out tracks would be ‘ Command the Sigil’ and ‘ Discarnate Machination’. Listening to these two tracks would at least give any listener the overall conception on whether or not this album is something that he would like.

Despite the negatives I have high hopes for the band for the future. I will be sure to keep my eye out for them and hope that they find their own defining trait in their future releases.

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Score 72%
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User Rating : 4.4 (2 votes)

About the author

I have been listenting to all kinds of metal and rock music for more than 14 years now. Besides music I am also interested in fantasy & sci-fi books, comics, mangas, rpgs and fighting games. I have been writing about these for almost four years on my blog now. In my other life I work as a physician for the government in Bangladesh and am quite grumpy.

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