Review: Sacred Reich / Iron Reagan Split [Metal Blade Records]

Review: Sacred Reich / Iron Reagan Split [Metal Blade Records]

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Old and new thrash crossover kings collide on this split release as Sacred Reich and Iron Reagan unleash fresh material onto an unsuspecting world and if there were two bands who were perfect to do a split realest together its these two bands. Sacred Reich and Iron Reagan are kindred spirits, bands who deliver the goods when it comes to thrash with a hardcore influence with consummate ease.

Sacred Reich return after a long absence (complete with returning drummer Dave McClain who left the Reich to join Machine Head but us now back behind the drum kit for the bands triumphant return) and will soon release Awakening, their first album in twenty three years. With the Surf Nicaragua, Ignorance and The American Way releases, Sacred Reich helped to pave the way for a legion of politically motivated thrash bands who were influenced by the power and energy of punk and hardcore and Iron Reagan are definitely influenced by the band, so this meeting of minds makes perfect sense.

Both bands have a track each and don’t waste any time at all when it comes to making an impact. Sacred Reichs tack is called “Don’t Do It Donnie” and sees the band turning back the clock when it comes to frantic energy on a track that sees frontman Phil Rind letting his anger loose on the today’s politicians. The band have lost none of the power and are definitely reenergized when it comes to their music and their message.

Iron Reagan’s effort, “They Scream”, is a full blown stomp of energy that follows the same steps as the Sacred Reich track and flies by in a sub two minute blur of power.

This split shows the influence of Sacred Reich and how they are looking to the future by taking note of the past and Iron Reagan are more than happy to be on the ride and demonstrate that as well. It’s great to have the Reich back and if their new album is anything like their track on this split, then it will be more than worth waiting for and in Iron Reagan, they’ve got a band by their side for that ride.

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Metal loving music journalist, loves going to see gigs, listening to and reviewing albums and interviewing bands.

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