Review: Sodom “Out Of The Frontline Trench” [Steamhammer/SPV]

Review: Sodom “Out Of The Frontline Trench” [Steamhammer/SPV]

- in Reviews

Seems that Uncle Tom Angelripper isn’t going to stop the war machine named Sodom. After another line-up change the band works on their new album. Drumming up an interest and showing “a sign of life for the fans”, the band releases an EP Out Of The Frontline Trench.

In 2018 Sodom became a quartet from trio (never use these words, they make you look old). Now guitarist Frank “Blackfire” Gosdzik (who played on a legendary album Agent Orange) and Yorck Segatz with drummer Stefan “Husky” Hüskens are playing in the band. Putting aside moral and ethical aspects of this line-up change, admittedly the new Sodom sounds much better.

There are three new songs in this short EP: “Genesis 19”, “Down On Your Knees” and “Out Of The Frontline Trench”. Also there is re-recorded classic Sodom hit “Agent Orange” and live record of the “Bombenhagel” from 2018 live show.

All new songs are the “classic” Teutonic Thrash Metal, of course, fast-paced and very aggressive. In some mysterious way it manages to be “that classic one” but sound really fresh and I dare to say “modern”. Guitars sound aggressively and a little bit dryly, the drums are explicit and very fast. Well, Angelripper’s vocal is out of the charts also: it’s the same harshly roar that became only more sinister with the years. “Others talk about going back to their roots, we just do it!” says Tom and it’s hard to disagree with it.

By the way it isn’t accident that the new version of “Agent Orange” presents here: this year is the 30 years anniversary for the album Agent Orange. And you know what? It’s really hard for me to decide which version I like more, the old one or the newest.

Anyway, Uncle Tom, we got it, we love it. Now can we have the next longplay? Pretty please?

Out Of The Frontline Trench was released on November, 22 via Steamhammer/SPV.

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Bikes, Music, Alcohol and Anarchy. Also books, gigs, traveling and alcohol one more time.

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