Review Teloch “Thus Darkness Spake” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review Teloch “Thus Darkness Spake” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


Teloch “Thus Darkness Spake”

Finland id really big country (as for Europe), but there life not so many people – something like 5, 5 million. But it never didn’t disturb in having really strong Metal scene. In the land if thousand lakes there was always tons of good bands. It takes first of all Black Metal in all its variations. Of course not only, but TELOCH is representing this sub-genre of Metal.

Band comes from one of the biggest cities of Finland – Jyväskylä. City is located in the western part of Finnish Lakeland and is the largest one of region of Central Finland. As not so many cities in the country it was found by Russians, anyway.

Well, but we’re here because of music, so… TELOCH exists since 2007 and it seems that they still play (with one exception) in original line-up. Guys are, as it the most often happens in Black Metal, hidden under pseudonyms. Their version of this blasphemous music isn’t very fast. Well, it isn’t even fast. Tempos are rather middle. It doesn’t mean that guys can’t play faster! But they more care about this satanic climate.

Riffs aren’t complicated and even more elaborate. We can even risk thesis that they’re in some way primitive, but in positive meaning of the word of course. Anyway, thanks to the fact that both Routa and Det are playing guitars music isn’t primitive at all.  Each one plays a little different part – at least from time to time. Surely they do it in the same common satanic, blasphemous harmony what makes music of TELOCH melodic in some way. We have even something what we can call solos here. Well, half-solos, let’s say.

Sota use his drums rather in “thrifty” way. Somebody could even say that especially in these faster parts (which happen quite often) it’s poor and mostly made in identical way, without invention and so on. Also B.R.F. uses his bass in similar way. Well, maybe in some way it can be like that. But this is fuckin’ Black Metal! And in Black Metal technical “fireworks” aren’t welcome. Here very important, mostly even the most important, is a message! Who cares that music is spare?!?

Black Metal has one elementary goal – to warship Him (or ancient Gods which by believers of Nazarene are almost the same as Satan). And this is what guys make very well and eager! Anyway, not only music is blasphemous and breathes hatred to all what’s connected with Christianity. It’s also Odium’s vocal! We can for sure say that it’s typical Black Metal squawk. Sure that it is! But how the hell it should be in such horde?!?

In general it’s maybe band as many others. But is it really important?!? For fans of Black Metal (even not only these super- hyper orthodox) more important is this “something” in music. We don’t like experiments and even if we can stand them there’re borders. However, here are no fucking experiments! Here’s just pure hatred and hellish tar.


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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