Review: THE WIZARDS “Full Moon in Scorpio”

Review: THE WIZARDS “Full Moon in Scorpio”

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THE WIZARDS “Full Moon in Scorpio”
Fighter Records

After appearing on the scene in 2013, The Wizards have released a four track demo in 2014, a debut self titled LP in 2015 and now two years since then they are only a few months away from releasing their latest full length “Full Moon in Scorpio”. This new release is chock full of occult and hard rock that certainly pays homage to the bands that came before; but while the sound is an homage, The Wizards overall sound is all theirs. The Wizards’ overall sound is heavy and memorable and you certainly will be singing along with each song and just singing them to yourself after you are done listening as well.

The old-school sound that The Wizards presents is a throw back to the seventies and while listening you get transported back in time. As mentioned, even though the sound is an old-school one, The Wizards take that, twist it and make it all their own providing you with eight great occult rock songs. Each song is devilish and scorching and from the first note on you know that you are on a great ride through the darkness with The Wizards.

“Full Moon in Scorpio” certainly is a record where you just don’t want to stop listening. It’s such a smooth and welcoming listen to the point where you can sit for hours on end listening and never get bored or want to change records. The Wizards have crafted something here that is highly intoxicating, inviting and easy to sink your teeth into and listen to for hours. Each riff tends to get under your skin and each solo is scorching while the drumming is spot on and the bass is rumbling and prominent and soaring over everything are the infectious vocals. To put a cherry on top of it all is the great production that this record has and that really ties everything together to provide you one solid and one hell of a great listen.

“Full Moon in Scorpio” is an unforgettable record that gifts you eight solid dark and twisting tracks that get trapped inside of your brain for quite some time. If occult rock or hard rock is what you are into then this record is perfect for you, or if you just want something new, different and exciting to listen to, then this is also the record for you.

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