Review: Tornado “Commitment To Excellence”

Review: Tornado “Commitment To Excellence”

- in Reviews

Tornado Commitment To Excellence
Extreme Metal Music

Unleashed on August 31st via Extreme Metal Music, TORNADO storm out of Finland/USA with Commitment to Excellence. This 11 track album is sure to pound the current political climate with its straight talk and vitriol…

Commitment to Excellence is a much needed album in our metal world. We need a band to step up and show the world that Thrash Metal is still relevant, it’s still being played with passion and it is here to stay.

TORNADO can match any band in political fervour, they’re absolutely outstanding and can pretty much outclass even the likes of NAPALM DEATH who have always been one of the kings in this sense. Musically, I can’t thank TORNADO enough for reminding me of ‘the good old days’ – bands like SACRED REICH, D.R.I and EXCEL. Offering up some highly mosh-able thrash that if I’m honest, I barely listen to these days. That changed with a good binge lately though.

With Superstar Joey Severance on vocals, the lyrics (which, if you’re sick to fuckin’ death of this left/right/ANTIFA/Nazi/free speech/globalism/Trump hating/communist touting feminist bullshit – I suggest you dig deep) hit home all the more such is his passion for the themes. There’s some fuckin’ excellent guitar work by the aptly named Tommy Shred and Henri Steel who clearly have Thrash running in their veins. On drums we have Jimmy Grey holding it all together with precision and attitude. A very tight band, no mistake. I present the TORNADO Supremacy lyric video to give you a taste of what I mean. The Global Pandemic video is probably the best summary of the album though.

Guests aplenty on this album too – Ross Dolan from IMMOLATION, Karl Sanders of NILE, Glen Drover X MEGADETH and Adam Phillips from PRO-PAIN. We have some Death Metal vocals in White Horse of the Apocalypse and Spirit of Opportunity, even an S.O.DUnited Forces cover as the penultimate track. A wide variety for sure and a pure joy to mosh to with beer in hand and smile on face. So good I heavily suggest you click here and buy the damn thing!

I do hope they get the attention they so readily deserve… I’ve got a feeling they may go viral with these lyrics, really.

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British Son, Father and long time appreciator of all things dark. All hail the Antichrist!

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