Review: Vehementer “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectumfest)”

Review: Vehementer “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectumfest)”

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Vehementer “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectumfest)”
Blood Harvest

Originally recorded back in 2008, “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest)” is back this year with just as much fire and hatred as when it was originally released. Black thrashers Vehementer hailing from Serbia fill this EP with four straight songs of nothing but bombastic face ripping tunes for you to head bang to until you no longer have a brain. Vehementer start this EP off quick with the title track “The Black Spectrumfest” and from then on they never look back as they scorch earth and lay everyone to waste that is in their path. “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest)” is a suffocating release as Vehementer provide you with little time in between songs to catch so much as a short breath before they barrel straight through you with yet another hellacious firestorm of blackened thrash.

“Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest)” comes barreling at you crosses burning and all to provide you with a wicked and neck snapping listen. All four songs that are present on this release are just as tumultuous, sinister and malicious as the last, and as soon as you press play you find yourself in a maelstrom of chaos and death. Vehementer doesn’t let their foot off of the gas until the final song has been concluded and so for four straight songs you are being prodded and slashed at by diseased riffs coupled with skin shredding solos, chaotic drumming and dissonant throat ripping vocals. Once you begin listening you can’t escape from the entirely vicious and sinister attacks of Vehementer.

In conclusion, this EP is a source of damning, skull grinding destruction that would please the ears of both thrash and black metal heathens. If you are looking for something that has a blackened edge to it and if you are looking for something that is going to definitely get your spine to sever, Vehementer presents “Replenishment Circle (The Black Spectrumfest)”.

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