Review: WAYWARD DAWN “House Of Mirrors” [Emanzipation Productions]

Review: WAYWARD DAWN “House Of Mirrors” [Emanzipation Productions]

- in Reviews
Score 90%
90 %
User Rating : 4.1 (1 votes)

A short, sweet EP deserves a short, sweet review – charging chugs, rhythmic chanting, and low-end riffs through the crystal-crunch of Marshall Amps – it’s Wayward Dawn’s two-track phenomenon House of Mirrors.

The boys from Skanderborg annihilate our speakers with 8 minutes and 25 seconds’ worth of hard hitting, teeth gritting death grooves that will happily take 10 minutes off your life (it’s worth it). Proving Einstein’s theory of relativity correct, you’ll soon overlook the brevity once you feel like you’ve been locked in your strange uncle’s backyard tumble dryer full of fireworks during tornado season for a week as pummelling double-bass thuds, neck whipping rides, shamanic growling, and the crackling heat of guitars excoriate your eardrums. It comes with no warning label and no ear defenders, so be careful not to operate heavy machinery, drive, or even breathe too hard whilst in its grasp.

Neither overdone nor overplayed, the balance between each dynamic feels just right – from the power to the precision, the pace to the production. Intense and addictive, a whirlwind with only one fault – it’s too darn short. Remember to unclench your jaw, relax those shoulders, and replace all your fuses afterwards.

Release date: December 11, 2020

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