Terrörhammer “Under the Unholy Command” review

Terrörhammer “Under the Unholy Command” review

- in Reviews


Terrörhammer “Under the Unholy Command”
Deathrune Records

Hell yeah! The very first impressions I have got once I have heard the very first song on this CD! Terrorhammer comes from Serbia, and to be honest, I can name only few Black and Brutal death metal bands out of there, so I was a bit surprised to hear some kind of fat as hell speed black fucking metal, instead of some forest and nature’s landscapes black metal or some guts and vomit oriented brutal death metal, hehe. So, this fact makes me respect these two musicians from Terrorhammer, who could to dare to play such kind of music.

“Under the Unholy Command” contains intro (instrumental) and eight songs, with around 36 minutes of sound. So, let’s see what the kind of blasphemy we can find here. but we can find here really right and great influences, from the veeeery veeeery kick ass bands! Just imagine hellish mixture between bands like Onslaught, Toxic Holocaust, Bathory and Hellhammer, and then with Discharge tunes from time to time. Got it? Of course there aren’t some too bright black metal tunes (but “Church Of Sodomy” – the last song – sounds really more into thrash/black metal way!), but this speed metal of hell is so rude and, if I can to say – “brutal” – so you getting some ala black metal tunes here and there.

Guitars sounds really good, the way I like it, i.e. they comes with clear sound, but they are kick ass ripping and catching, with great twisted tempo-changes, crossing with the same good drumming and bass lines. Vocals the same good for this kind of music, as well as guitar solos, they are great too.

For me this album is one of those for a long time, I’ll return to Terrorhammer again and again, just when I’ll need to listen to some music which will force me to headbang!

Necro Speed Metal in your ass, fucking bastards! Thanks a lot to Matt from Deathrune recs for sending this CD!\m/


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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