UNLEASHED “Dawn Of The Nine” review

UNLEASHED “Dawn Of The Nine” review

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UNLEASHED “Dawn Of The Nine”
Nuclear Blast Records

Have you ever had such feelings like you have no any single word to say under huge impression? I do… Right now… After 5th time listening to the new album from Swedish Death Metal Godz Unleashed… I’m sure all of us wait for this piece of new stuff with extremely mixed feelings, I had just two thoughts – 1) it’ll be bad, 2) it’s be awesome… But… As a result I have got third opinion! Sooo… Number 3) – BRILLIANT! Once you’ll press play button, your head will be splitted up by the full force of huge power of Pure Death Metal, made by grands. You know, there weren’t any line-up changes since mid of ‘90s, of course this is positive fact, and as a result, we getting awesome stuff with every new album from this monster band. Are there any changes in the music? No! Unleashed lickily plays purest form of death metal, with the killer WAR atmosphere, so when band says something like “hello warriors” – they do it properly! From the very start there are just walls of sounds, massive, hurricane and merciless; with real aggression and hatred, with warlike atmosphere… Marching and grinding to the bone rhythmical thresholds, used with classical fuitar sound, both fast and measured rhythms, deeply freezing guitar solos (incredible deep), bulldozing bass lines and full of hatred, typical for Unleashed growls, plus of course deadly powerful and fast drumming. I even can’t say there are “songs” on the “Dawn Of The Nine”, but from my point of view there are something like “warhymns”, yeah, completely filled with war and victory atmosphere. May I also told you here about how skilled musicians are? I do not think so, because all was played correct and collectively. This is not something like new stuff from the gods, but this is something like just awesome continuation from the gods, i.e. here is continue of what they did for over the years, and this is enoug success one. Classical, raging, epic, glorious and fucking catching PURE Death metal, typical for Unleashed! Be prepared for pure war and holocaust for your ears, and if you have weak mind – just avoid this album, because it can KILL YOU from inside! Definitely favorite and most memorable songs are: “Where Is Your god Now?”, “Let The Hammer Fly” (unbelieveable classical death metal massacre, impossible to describe!), “Where Churches Once Burned” and “Dawn Of The Nine”, among others. I strongly recommend “Dawn Of The Nine” for all the newcomers and oldheads as well!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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