Venemous Thrash metal band presentation + stream

Venemous Thrash metal band presentation + stream

- in Z-A - Unsigned bands

Please introduce yourself.

Hey!! we are a Thrash metal band right from the energetic depths of Mexico City. Just 4 young guys (18, 19, 19, 19) looking forward to revive thrash metal.

When your band was created?

Venemous was created on April, 2012. Releasing our first demo and making the band name official.

What the style do you play?

We are primally focused in Thrash Metal. Got some death influences, making our music Evil Thrash Metal.

How could you describe your music by several words?

Fast, energetic and mind blowing diabolic themes no need of several words.

What is the main theme of your lyrics?

Evil, satanism, rebellion and hates we the members of the band have.

What would you like to achieve with the band activity?

Pure success.

How many gigs you have played so far and maybe you visit another countries with concerts?

We have opened shows for bands like Destruction, Morbid Saint, DRI, Violator and some others, we have played gigs from nook to corner in our home country, and we also have had failed gigs in texas and los angeles, never played in other country beacause of promoter fails reasons.

Is there anything very important about your band what SHOULD know fans and labels?

Venemous loves you and actually our label is small, so we are looking for a better label to keep on growing up, wait for the release of our new ep that is going to be killer !!!!!!!

What the formats you would like to see your releases, CD, Vinyl, Tape…? And how do you see future of physical releases?

All kind of formats are great, when you are really a fan of some band you want all the escence from the vinyl or the cd, arrive to your house and play it very loud as you read the lyrics in the booklet and admire the cover art, but the thruth is that technology is changing and so the music market is also changing, we dont mind that labels sell the product digitally or not. Surely the fans are the ones who will decide how to get it. But at the end of the day what really matters is that we the band do awesome music and fans enjoys it.

When you will get label deal, would you like to help to the label with promotion from your side, or you want label do all without your help?

Sure! is a job of all.

What’s your reaction towards negative opinions about your music?

Is something you have to deal with, you cant satisfy all persons, we are an open mind band, surely we ́ll catch the constructive opinions of our music or anything. But negative opinions without foundations you have to ignore them, they just dont matter.

And last question, how do you like our webzine, do you have some remarks towards its look or functionality?

I think Its awesome, nothing is missing really, awesome look, awesome reviews and news.

The band was born a year ago (2012) with the intention of getting our music known, maybe get any music label, play out of the country and write our own songs and being someone in the thrash metal scene worldwide. We decided to take our instruments and give all in the rehearsals to play our first covers, create our first 5 songs. With the official name of the band and own material we decided to record a demo during April in the well known studio “La Casa En Llamas” . It was our 6 tracks demo “Evil Massacration” (2012). After recording this demo we started to get some concerts, giving the band some popularity in the national metal scene,and the band started playing in some parts of the country. Venemous got the attention of Underfire Records, a subdivition of Blower Records that have signed Strike Master, Voltax, Split Heaven, Death SS, Gumo Maniacs, Ancesthor. So in early 2013 we signed for our first full length album. Ceremony (2013) was recorded in June and officially was out in November. Concerts around the country were played to promote the first album giving the band the chance to play some gigs with Destruction, DRI, Violator, Morbid Saint, etc… Venemous is now working in new material which will see the light in early 2015.

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I'm Antichrist and Antichrist is me, nothing more. CEO/Founder/Chief-Editor

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