Video: Final Coil ”Convicted Of The Right”

Video: Final Coil ”Convicted Of The Right”

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UK’s Final Coil will release a new EP called Convicted Of The Right. Below you can also watch the video for ”Convicted Of The Right”.

Final Coil front man Phil Stiles stated:

Convicted Of The Right’ itself is one of the most powerful tracks from The World We Left Behind For Others, both musically and lyrically and the band have filmed a stunning promo video to accompany its release. The video brings to life in harrowing fashion the song’s commentary on the conditioning and indoctrination of young men fed into the military machine.

In the song, which opens to the sound of gunfire, we witness my Grandfather, mired in alcoholism, looking back upon his training. As his past merges with his present, he remains resolutely convicted that what he did was right; that the ends justified the means – and, from a certain perspective he was… but then there are men (and women) all around the world who use the same justification for their state-sanctioned actions from their perspective..They can’t all be right, can they?

The EP will be released both digitally and on limited edition cassette, via Wormholedeath records.

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