A Thousand Sufferings “Burden” entire album stream

A Thousand Sufferings “Burden” entire album stream

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A Thousand Sufferings, a Belgium (Klein Brabant area, between Gent and Antwerp) based quartet, has started its activity, out of the ashes of Vex, anno 2013. In its short existence, A Thousand Sufferings has recorded 3 songs/30 minutes ready to be released… Musically, the band seeks its inspiration in the desolated fields of black metal, the heaviness to be found in sludge metal and the grooves of stoner rock. The band does not limit itself to any genre but the adjectives – ‘dirty, nasty and heavy’ – are coherent in A Thousand Sufferings’ music. Live concerts with bands such as Laster, Monads, Urfaust, Lugubrum, Goat Torment and Zemial have been taken place and upcoming concerts are in the running.

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