Atmospheric Black Metal Band HYL Sign With Odium Records

Atmospheric Black Metal Band HYL Sign With Odium Records

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HYL is a new Italian – Polish band started by Rick Costantino involved in, among others, Schizo and Krigere Wolf. He invited Shadow from Black Altar/Ofermod (live) as a vocalist and drummer Krzysztof Klingbein known as a live musician of Belphegor or Vader.

Debut album Where Emptiness Is All will be released in the first part of the next year.

The music of the band can be described as atmospheric black metal, which should appeal to fans of Ruins of BeverastVemod or Mgła. It’s a journey into introspection, in the relationship with nature and the vision of the human being condition. This is all well expressed in the lyrics and artwork both done by Rick’s wife Claudia Sanzà – Elysivm artwork.
Dionysis Dimitrakos from Descent Studio (Athens) and Devo Andersson (ex Marduk) from Endarker Studio were involved in the album production.

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