Belgian Heavy Doomsters COLUMBARIUM Sign to Argonauta Records; New Single and Videoclip Out Now

Belgian Heavy Doomsters COLUMBARIUM Sign to Argonauta Records; New Single and Videoclip Out Now

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Columbarium is a Belgian (from the village of Zwevegem) Heavy Doom band which found its birth midst 2021, but was conceived of seasoned members from the doom scene since over ten years. Having played about 100 gigs in a former setup in Belgium, the Netherlands and France with bands like The Gates Of Slumber, Nekromant, Marche Funèbre, Serpent Venom, FAAL, Famyne, King Hiss and at fests like Little Devil Doom Days etc., they have built a serious reputation as a live act in the last decade.

Says the band:

We have been following Argonauta Records for some years now and we’ve seen how well they support their bands in any way possible. Argonauta is not just producing carriers like CD’s and vinyl records to have them sit on their website, they think ahead promoting their bands and take care of distribution through different channels. With that complete package and to be on Argonauta’s band roster with the likes of An Evening With Knives, newly signed Slow Wake and so many other great bands is just simply amazing for us. Knowing that their team, that hails back many years as specialists within the genre, supports our vision on Heavy Doom Metal as we love it, is just humbling. We are incredibly thankful to be part of the family and are really looking forward to share our music through them.”

To celebrate their new journey, COLUMBARIUM release today the new single “Eyes Bleed Black”, accompanied by the official videoclip available here:

Bass player and vocalist Pete says:

‘Eyes Bleed Black’ must be the oldest song on the album. The basic riff was conceived from our gut feeling jamming at one of our rehearsals back in 2019, so this is not a well thought out riff by one individual, this is Columbarium in its purest form. Also a big part of the lyrics came out at that same rehearsal, out of nowhere. It was quite clear that I was reacting to the recent passing of one of our friends and fans whom we had visited with the band a few months before, because she was seriously ill. The song is obviously dedicated to her. Afterwards, after that fundamental riff was written, we were struggling to finish the song. Something was not right and we tried adding different riffs, even alternative lyrics, but it didn’t work out. Until much later Koen came to add the slow and low melody that kicks in at about half a minute in the song. So, 90 % of the song is still as it was composed at that rehearsal and so, is still very original. We feel good about the fact that it reminds us of our dear friend every time we play it. It was only later on that we decided to ask our good friend Esmee Tabasco from Tyrant’s Kall to add in some singing in the more mellow parts of the song. It turned out really well in our opinion, we are really happy with her contribution and love her ‘witch’ voice. We hope you like it as much as we do …’”

The new album is expected as an early Autumn 2023 release, more details will be revealed soon.

Columbarium is:
Koen Biesbrouck: Guitars & keys
Marc ‘Markie’ Vangheluwe: Guitars
Vincent ‘Mille’ Millecam: Drums
Pete Jules V.: Bass & Vox


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