Brutal Assault confirmed VOIVOD, EYEHATEGOD & SIKTH

Brutal Assault confirmed VOIVOD, EYEHATEGOD & SIKTH

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This time we start with caveman battle doom, from the swamps of mythical Hyborian ages comes English doom hammer CONAN! Considered by some an ugly bastard spawned by Black Sabbath and Sun O))), they’ve defined their own sound on the split with Slomatics and their debut EP Horseback Battle Hammer. Industrial metal/EBM stars DIE KRUPPS will join us alongside legendary southern bastards EYEHATEGOD, who will claim their repugnant dopethrone for the first time at our festival! Next a band that formed entirely new vision of progressive metal at dawn of our milenium, SIKTH! These guys were supposed to play last year but their studio schedule prevented them from doing so in the end. But the wait was totally worth it, the new EP Opacities is again a gamechanger, or at least a piece that bursts with creativity and technical skills and oscillates between madness and classical musical approach. Controversy sprouting Niklas Kvarforth and his Swedish enslemble SHINING will take part as well as Norway’s own SLAGMAUR, who will honour us with one of their extremely rare avantgarde black metal shows. A big name in the end, VOIVOD! VOIVOD seem to be in perfect shape ever since Canadian guitar hero Daniel Mongrain (Martyr, Cryptopsy, Gorguts) has joined their ranks to replace the sadly deceased Piggy and will celebrate the musical greatness of various genres.

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