Chapel of Disease “The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art” review

Chapel of Disease “The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art” review

- in Reviews

Chapel of Disease “The Mysterious Ways Of Repetitive Art”

F.D.A. Rekotz

Perhaps just as difficult as it is to create new, fresh sounds, it is equally challenging to stay true to old styles without sounding tired and generic. The road of a throwback band is, indeed, a treacherous one. Even acts that seem to be teeming with potential and skill can be ultimately forgettable and lost among countless acts that have already done it better. Thankfully, with their upcoming LP, The Mysterious Ways of Repetitive Art, Chapel of Disease avoid these pitfalls pull off one of 2015’s first Picking up where the mid-90s left off, Chapel of Disease deliver savage Death metal that is at once genuine and aesthetically pleasing. Tremolo-picked, buzz saw riffs and cavernous, reverb-soaked vocals are ever-present here, while more ominous atmospheric moments add depth and variance to the music. At times the album is entrancing, even hypnotic, with its swirling distortion and elongated With The Mysterious Ways of Repetitive Art, Chapel of Disease have kicked the new year off triumphantly and definitively already proving to be a tough act to follow in the world of Death Metal. Certainly, other bands wishing to capitalize on a more retroactive approach will need to pull out all the stops if they hope to be heard over Chapel of Disease’s throwback masterpiece in 2015.

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(c) Andrew Larsen



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