Cirith Gorgor “Wille Zur Macht” Video

Cirith Gorgor “Wille Zur Macht” Video

- in Video


On their way to the release of “Exalted Visions of Lucifer” on February 19th 2016, Cirith Gorgor releases their video clip “Wille zur Macht”!

A black metal storm of high class melody and ferocious riffs. Cirith Gorgor is a band who has been around for a good part of 20 years. Their new album will pulverize the underground and raise the bar for the future of black metal.

We know that warnings on contents are often used as a sales point, well, in this case we warn you that the content is shocking at some points (I would say disgusting, but hey, it is Black Metal… remember?), and it is not a sales point…

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