In the Company of Serpents “Merging in Light” review

In the Company of Serpents “Merging in Light” review

- in Reviews

In the Company of Serpents “Merging in Light”

Colorado, USA, one of most wanted to visit by me places all around the world, so I was pretty interested to hear a band out of there:). In The Company Of Serpents is a two guys band, the band is more or less known and positively rated worldwide, but still unsigned, what was really strange to be honest. But let’s see, maybe near future they will got some proper contract and worldwide promotion. Well, here we go with three songs of sludge/doom metal, made with proper approach and deep pressure. First song’s playing time is around 8 minutes, second – around 5 minutes, and third one – around 10 minutes. What can I say regarding the music I have heard out of there? Luckily nothing negative, just positive emotions. Each song made in good way, with raw, measured and sludgy tunes, you know, I’ll NO unveil you anything new by speaking too many about how sounds sludge/doom metal, ‘coz you all know how such music sounds, aren’t you? Also any those comparisons to another bands are senseless here, but if you want, I have found something similar to Saint Vitus, High On Fire etc, and of course I see musicians under an influence from gods – Black Sabbath still. Just a few words – measured sludge/doom metal made in good way and with raw sound. Recommended to all the fans into this genre.


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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