Dark Redeemer Release Single/Lyric Video For “Tmc”

Dark Redeemer Release Single/Lyric Video For “Tmc”

- in News, Video

Blasphemous Records is now ready to announce the digital release of the opening track of “INTO THE DEEP BLACK”, the so much awaited debut album of Death Metallers DARK REDEEMER, out on September 24th and distributed by CODE 7 (Europe), SLEASZY RIDER RECORDS USA, FANS AND BAND (Mexico), WORMHOLEDEATH JAPAN, EGEA MUSIC (Italy).

The first track of the album, “TMC” (THE MORGUE COMMANDO) is now available on all the main digital platforms.
Watch lyric video here:


On all digital platforms: https://bfan.link/tmc

This track is the opening carnage. A glimpse of keyboards gives way to the song’s unrelenting attack, full speed drumming and chainsaw guitar riffing at the front, very old-school driven, passing through a Tarantino/Bobby Rodriguez-be-like (do you remember “From dusk ‘til dawn, don’t you?) break until the hand of doom comes down, heavy as four-legged giant’s steps for the chorus, huge and disquieting as keyboardist Giulio weaves his score around the guitar and bass. This one’s about dead people unaware of their condition: they usually tend to blame others for their own failures and to rely on God, booze or drugs (this trinity appears to have unexpected affinities) to (mis)feel empowered. As singer Dave growls they’re “Dead shells roaming in living hell”. Reminds in intervals a bit the spirit of Entombed. The Morgue Commando (TMC) is the self-appointed death zombie-composed squad which eventually will terminate such unfortunate lives. Of course, the Commando features our four brave and de-composed musicians.


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