Drama / Perdition Winds entire split stream

Drama / Perdition Winds entire split stream

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DRAMA was founded in Yeisk (Krasnodar region) in 2001. The first performance and unreleased demo followed in 2002. The debut “Silver Brilliance of Nocticula” was released in 2003. The second album “Winds Choir Opera” written in 2004 and released in 2005. In the same year the band moved to St. Petersburg and the re-released first album. Next full-length “As in Empty Grave” written in 2009 and released in 2010. In 2011 were prepared 2 songs for the new split. The line-up for this time has changed. The band members also consists in Blazing Rust, Pyre and many other projects.


perdition winds

Finnish band Perdition Winds was founded in 2010 by five musicians, including members of Lie In Ruins. During its existence managed to record one mini-album and debut full-length. The track was recorded for the split in 2014, it has a duration of more than 13 minutes.


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