IN OBSCURITY REVEALED “The Spell of the Seeker” review (by Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD))

IN OBSCURITY REVEALED “The Spell of the Seeker” review (by Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD))

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IN OBSCURITY REVEALED “The Spell of the Seeker”
Caverna Abismal Records

In Mexico there was always strong scene and many good bands. Well, that’s what we can say about practically whole Latin America in general, by the way. IN OBSCURITY REVEALED is another band with rather short history. It was found in 2014, but the same like in case of GAME OVER there play quite experienced musicians (except one who hasn’t earlier “career” and play only in I.O.R.). As they say band was created to pay homage to the occult and obscure traditions what I can see clearly after artwork and pics of musicians (even if, or maybe just because, they’re not with make-ups and so on there).

That’s very well hearable, anyway. “The spell of the seeker” contains four songs (or as musicians by themselves call it: rituals) of Death Metal, old school Death Metal in vein of the band who was progenitor of ENTOMBED. It’s not so much complicated music. Riffs aren’t anything what could make us surprised. First is coming “Magnum spectrum” which begins with short intro. Than guys drive while three next songs in mostly fast tempos, but not only and not whole the time of course, without compromises or some unnecessary technical displays. And that’s good, very good! Music like that should be just like that. Besides this that it’s easy (when it takes playing this it’s only seemingly easy) doesn’t mean that it’s churlish! Guys just play just Death Metal dedicated to death, chaos and occultism. And they do it as good as they can! Vocalist growls very well, too.

As I said in case of GAME OVER this lack of originality, playing in the way in which played, play and will play tons of bands in several countries is an advantage for me! IN OBSCURITY REVEALED is just another proof for this what I wrote on beginning of this review about Mexican bands. Here we have another band who’s very good and deserve for support and more attention! I hope to hear their new stuff as soon as they’ll create it. And I hope that it’ll be longer one then this demo!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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