Interview Ashes Of Moon

Interview Ashes Of Moon

- in Written interviews

Ashes Of Moon is a Melodic/Death metal band from Austria. Hias, the vocalist and bass player of the band answered me a few questions about the band and some future plans.


Hello Hias, how are you?
I’m fine thanks a lot, hope you’re doing well too!

When was Ashes Of Moon founded?
Ashes Of Moon was founded about winter 2009 by Mich (Michael Sägmüller) and myself. It’s hard to say when it exactly happened, because it was a kind of fluent passage from our former project “Tracked Grader” to Ashes Of Moon, accompanied by several style and line-up changes.

The debut album, self-entitled was released in 2012. How the recordings were going?
The recording process had been quite tumultuous, because it was the first time that we were recording an entire album and about the same time our former lead guitarist left the band, so Mich had to do some of the lead parts that he hadn’t been playing before. “Ashes Of Moon” was recorded at our rehearsal room in summer 2011 and I think despite these circumstances the result was quite ok.

What can you tell me about the second release from 2014 ”The Darkness Where The Past Lay Sleeping”?
In 2013, we got in contact with Wahoomi Corvi, an Italian producer (RealSound Studio). He liked our music and managed to convince Carlo Bellotti from the label WormHoleDeath to listen to our songs. Finally we got signed and got the chance to produce our first studio record called “The Darkness Where The Past Lay Sleeping”. About the half of the material on this record had been written at times respectively shortly after our first record “Ashes Of Moon”. The other half was already written with the new line-up (Mario “Luis” Scheiber on leadguitar and Helmut Winter on drums). The songs were recorded at “RealSound Studio” in Italy by Wahoomi Corvi and his Crew and mixed and mastered at “the source studios” in Germany by Michael Zech. In late 2014, “The Darkness Where The Past Lay Sleeping” was finally released.

Who mainly writes the music?
Mich is the main songwriter of Ashes Of Moon. Luis is principal focused on adding leads and solos and I’m responsible for the bass lines and lyrics, which does not mean that we are not going to add riffs sometimes. We are always working as entire band on new stuff, no matter who got the main idea, so that everybody has got the chance to add his personal note. Not before the whole band is satisfied with the result we are going to add a new song to our “inventory”.
Are you going to release new materials soon?
We are going to work on new material soon, but as Heli left the band due to health problems in fall 2014, it took us a while to find a new, talented and versatile drummer. With Daniel Haberl joining the band in April 2015, we found a great new musician who’s going to add his skills to Ashes Of Moon, so we’ll maybe be able to present some new material at the upcoming shows in October.

What are the band’s influences?
Our music is inspired by each member’s personal taste of music, mainly Scandinavian death, melodic death and black metal, but also classic and modern rock, prog and post rock. Lyrics and music are heavily influenced by strong feelings and emotions like love, death and sorrow.

Any shows confirmed for this year?
Since the joining of Daniel we already played at two gigs in Graz and one in Klagenfurt. The next confirmed show for this year is going to be the 10th anniversary show of the “Rock On Halloween” festival in Niklasdorf, together with bands like “The Sorrow”, “Dust Bolt”, “Vinegar Hill” and “Darkfall”.

Do you have a message for the fans?
We are happy that already some people know that Ashes Of Moon exists and that they are sharing our love for this, as we call it, other kind of melodic death metal style. Thank you folks! We are not a band with hundreds of posts on social networks per day, as we don’t like and don’t want to support this evolution of foregrounding something like “web-presence” to music. It’s a necessary evil, but we are more focused on making music in our own way and if you like this, you’re welcome to join the “Ashes Of Moon family”.

Thank you Hias, cheers!
Thanks a lot for your interest!

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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