Interview: Balfor

Interview: Balfor

- in Written interviews


Soon new Balfor’s album Black Serpent Rising will be released, so in anticipation of this release we talked to a band. About new album, fans expectations, touring and modern Ukrainian black metal scene.

Soon your new album Black Serpent Rising is out. Are you satisfied with it as an end-product?

Rather satisfied than not. Of course after a while you starting to see some nuances that you would want to change, but I love to believe that this album is beautiful in its moment, because that’s reflect certain period of the band

What should your fans expect from an album?

Well, this record is follow-up and evolvement of our previous effort Barbaric Blood, music became much darker and atmospheric. In some ways, we even went back to our first album Volki Severa, yet added lots of new and progressive stuff. In my opinion it is our most mature and thought-out work.

As I know, Black Serpent Rising was recorded in 2015, but it will be released only in early 2017. Why so? Is it because of label changing?

Yes, after the release of EP “Heralds Of The Fall” Candlelight Records became interested in the release of the new album, and we had planned to release it via this label. However, at the time when Black Serpent Rising was recorded, they changed owners and the new management team put album on the hold. So after a while, we decided to look for a new company to release the record as quick as possible and signed with Drakkar Productions.

Tell, please, how was the work on an album?

Most of the material was written back in 2013, and we had rehearsed it for a sometime to achieve the best result, each musician add something own to arrangements and when we were happy with the sound we started recording. This is quite different from how we worked on the previous release in when the role of other musicians has been minimized to simple recording of the instruments.

Balfor was formed in 2001, and it’s quite long time. Looking back, is there anything you want to change?

We had a lot of mistakes and victories, but it’s unlikely I would like to change something, we are who we are. Here and now.

Barbaric black metal – what is it for you?

First of all, musical and the conceptual form of the music that we play. I’m getting this question quite often, but I think the best answer is listen to the songs of the Black Serpent Rising.

In your opinion, what sound would be perfect for the band?

Tough question, it seems to me that there is nothing could be perfect for a creative person, and if you think you have achieved this, then perhaps it’s time to back off with it.

Will you go to the tour supporting new album?

Of course, the tours has always been an important part of our activity.

You performed at many festivals and played many concerts across the Europe. Is there any difference between fans in various countries?

Overall, more mature audience, and no difference in principle I have not noticed.

Where would you like to go with a tour or a concert?

I would like to tour in US and South America. I think it would be a great experience.

Can you pick out any modern Ukraine band?

I would not want to pick someone specifically, but I like what is happening in the Ukrainian black metal scene in overall, our groups to get better and better and becomes more and more known in the world, which is great

Who or what inspires you as musicians?

It is difficult to say, inspiration is very delicate thing, and no one has a recipe. Of course it is good music and some life experiences that make us feel inspired.

What are you doing in a free time from music (if you have any)?

Music, ordinary work and our families took all of our time.

What are your nearest future plans?

Tours and festival appearances in support of the album, maybe we’ll make another video, time will tell.

Spare few words to our readers, please.

Thank you for your attention, be strong.

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