Interview Civil War

Interview Civil War

- in Written interviews

Civil War is a Swedish Power Metal band founded in 2012 by Nils Johansson (vocalist) and some ex-members of Sabaton. Nils had some time to answer a few questions about the band and other stuffs.
Hello Nils, how things are going?
Things are great, thanks for asking. Just returned from a gig in Germany, so a bit tired. But happy!

First, tell me when Civil War was founded.
It was founded in spring of 2012 by me and the four guys that left Sabaton.

The self-title EP was released in 2012. Tell me a few words about it.
The EP was made very fast and the first song we actually wrote together was “Rome is Falling”.The arrangements are pretty simple on the EP and we hadn’t really found our style. But still it’s a good EP with strong songs.

In 2013 you have released the full-lenght ”The Killer Angels”. How the recordings were going?
The recordings went perfect. We recorded the drums in Studio Abyss and the rest of it in Myhrs studio and the vocals I recorded in my own studio. Then we brought everything to the mighty Peter Tägtgren for mixing. He did a super job!

”Gods and Generals” is the release of this year. Who mainly wrote this album and did you receive nice reviews?
Well, me and Myhr and also Petrus Granar wrote most of the music and I wrote all the lyrics. We really are a good team and we work very good together. The reactions from press and fans have been amazing, beyond our wildest dreams. We knew that we had made a killer album and we are glad that the rest of the world think the same.

Are you preparing new materials?
Yes, always. I have thousands of ideas and I know that Petrus and Myhr also have some great ideas.

What are the lyrical themes?
I like to write about historical stuff. It’s much more interesting than the typical “a night out with the boys-crap”. So we have found our style lyric wise.
11009088_690138851096458_5115954096749306140_n What are the band’s influences?
We are influenced by the 80’s heavy metal and the 90’s power metal. Then we mix it and shake it and then you have Civil War.

Any shows confirmed for this year?
Yes, we have a bunch of shows. Some good festivals and also a tour with Powerwolf. So, yes, we are pretty busy.

A message for the fans?
If you haven’t checked out Gods and Generals: do it if you’re a fan of power and heavy metal!!

Thank you Nils, cheers!
Cheers! Stay Metal!

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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