Interview: Deathless Legacy

Interview: Deathless Legacy

- in Written interviews

Not a long time ago Deathless Legacy released their third album ‘Dance With Devils’. We took the opportunity and talked to the band about their album, touring, theatricality and fears. Ladies and gentlemen, Italian horror metal masters Deathless Legacy!


Who are Deathless Legacy? Please tell the band’s story.

in 2006 Steva and Frater Orion decided to form a Death SS tribute band. After a couple of months, the Cyborg joined them. We started to compose our own songs and to think about our own show: from the very beginning we wanted to offer a complete show, both musical and theatrical. After many line-up changes we finally were able to release “Rise From the Grave” in 2014. In the end of 2014, Alex van Eden (Alessio Lucatti) joined the Legacy and we found our rhythm. 2016 was the year of ‘The Gathering’ and 2017 is the year of ‘Dance with Devils’.

Where do you get the stories and plots for the songs?

Films, Books, Comics, Legends, inspiration comes from everything. But in the end we always elaborate the stories in a very personal way with intricate Occult seeds.

You release albums almost every year. Is in intend or occasionally? Don’t you afraid to “overfeed” your fans?

Yes is intended. In 2017 people are overfeed by everything. For us the thing to be afraid of is to be out of the spotlight for some years.

Not so long ago your third album ‘Dance With Devils’ was released. Can you tell more about it: the whole creation and recording process?

We’ve started the pre-production in the end of August. Then we haven’t stopped till now. We have recorded all the stuff at Eden Studios in Pisa by Alessio Lucatti, and the whole album was mixed at Domination Studios in San Marino by Simone Mularoni. We are very happy with the results of the recordings, all was Acoustic, Real Drums, and you can feel it, is Powerful and Natural.

What prompted you to write a whole album about witchery, with the other, “unusual” point of view?

Because we are Witches! And we want to talk about us! Witchery is the Female power of the old good days, so it was pretty natural for us to talk about it as we are deep into Occult.

Deathless Legacy is a very theatrical band also. Who invent make-up, stage clothes and whole show’s concept?

A lot of the visual concept come from our drummer Frater Orion, but all of us put something into our project, developing clothes, building performances.

Tell, please, about your W:O:A appearance. Your win at the W:O:A metal battle was a surprise for you?

A dream come true, literally. Our win was totally unexpected for us, because of the other high quality bands involved in the competition, and definitely amazing. We still have shivers thinking about all those metalheads headbanging under the Wacken stage we played on!

Beside W:O:A did you take any participation at such big festivals?

We took place in some beautiful Italian festival, but we are waiting for the chance to be in another great European festival.

Your ideal gig is…?

In a Crypt! Or in some abandoned Church!

You create quite scaring and sometimes grim music. What do you yourselves fear?

Among the years we’ve learned that you can’t talk about fear if you don’t feel it. So we approach our fears stimulating them. We feed our fears, and we want new ones! One of the most feared things in the band is Spiders and some other Bugs.

Italian metal scene nowadays, what can you tell about it?

Italian metal scene is full of great band that deserves more people to hear them, Italians surely don’t lack in creativity and all European scene is ignoring them too much! Metalheads from North Europe can really feed from the good metal that is coming from Italy.

What do the members do in their free time from music (if you have any)?

Free time? What is it? There is no free time if you have a band which needs Costumes, Scenography, Performances (smiling).

Who or what inspires you as musicians?

In the metal world our inspiration comes from: Death SS, King Diamond, Rob Zombie. But there is a huge amount of classical music inspiring us especially for our last album.

Please share your future plans.

Touring Touring Touring! This is the time for us to let people know our music and our show, so we wanna play everywhere we can.

Spare few words to your fans and our readers, please.

Between the pages of our new album hides a maze. Who endures to find the solution will still be put to the test. But only those of whom intellect will leverage, and learn what you do not know, persevering without surrender, will get what lies hidden and that opens the door for that big, dark gloomy room.

Thank you for the interview! I’m happy to have such an opportunity to talk to the band I really like. Good luck and hope to see you live soon!

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