Mortuary Drape- 30 years anniversary with a special show

Mortuary Drape- 30 years anniversary with a special show

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1986 – 2016: 30 years of history, 30 years lived without any compromises and unleashing some essential albums for the development of the most extreme international underground metal scene.
The Scandinavian black metal scene (and not only) owes something to monumental albums such as Into The Drape, All The Witches Dance, Mourn Path, Secret Sudaria and so on.

Mortuary Drape will celebrate their 30th anniversary with a very special show. Many Italian and international important guests will take part in the event sharing the stage with the band to pay homage to Mortuary Drape history. All the performances and collaborations will be unique and exclusive, but besides the concert there will be also many collateral events that will combine music, art and show.


The show will take place Saturday, November 12th. The location will be in Alessandria (North of Italy), band’s birthplace very close to Milano, Genova and Torino, the main airports. The organization (supervised by Wildness Perversion himself) is also working on agreements with local hotels and B&Bs.


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