Party.San Metal Open Air news: GHOST BRIGADE, KRISIUN and HEMDALE

Party.San Metal Open Air news: GHOST BRIGADE, KRISIUN and HEMDALE

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3 new bookings for our festival in 2015.

GHOST BRIGADE are tough to neatly pigeonhole into a specific genre. Their early material was definitely post-metal/hardcore, but as they matured their sound evolved to include doom, gothic rock, alternative music and slight touches of black metal and prog. Their latest album `V: One With The Storm´ continues the legacy of the band, with beautifully laden songwriting and a refined sound that should definitely appeal to old fans as well as new. See them live on our stage.

For no real reason other than the foolish human yearning for order and symmetry, we have often thought of the ‘Big Three’ of German thrash – Sodom, Destruction, and Kreator – as having a cross-hemispheric counterpart in the ‘Big Three’ (for us, at least) of Brazilian metal: Sarcofago, Sepultura, and KRISIUN. Though the analogy is inexact in many ways, both countries seem to have imparted a specific regional character to their bands, though KRISIUN hews most closely to the comparison of the Brazilian lot due to its status as a reliable bulwark of death metal righteousness. That righteousness is evident in the fact that Krisiun’s career to date has been devoted, in large part, to answering the question: What would happen if, after releasing Altars of Madness, Morbid Angel guzzled a barrelful of amphetamines, stayed awake for a week, and recorded an album of merciless death using jackhammers, downed power lines, and salmon-starved grizzly bears in lieu of traditional musical instruments? In short: KRISIUN kicks fucking ass.

Influenced by old-school grindcore and built up with a death metal edge, HEMDALE are the gods of goregrind, that’s a fact. The most distinguished aspect of HEMDALE is that the songwriting is diverse and impressive, more developed than most grind (music founded on the need for speed for extremity’s sake). The riffs are meaty and enjoyable when you crave some substance along with grindcore enthusiasm. See them live for the first time on our stage.



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