QUARTZ “Too Hot To Handle” review

QUARTZ “Too Hot To Handle” review

- in Reviews

QUARTZ “Too Hot To Handle”

Skol Records

Uh… New Wave of British Heavy Metal… I’m sure all of you like these words and looking for something from the start of the genre still, aren’t you? So, Skol records make something glike “gift” for fans of those days and albums! Quartz – one of oldest UK’s bands who were started (and continue) with early chosen part, to be correct – NWOBHM. And “Too Hot To Handle” is not something like new album (that’s why I noted it like gift) – but this is awesome collection of previously unreleased tracks from Quartz’ 1981-1982 era. Sixteen tracks, which will conquer your mind and will make aliv your memory about good old days. There’s nothing to say more about, just typical for UK NWOBM, the music which make your life better, hehe. The record quality is average, sounds more ike demo record, but not too poor, moreover – sounds good.

Last activity from Quartz was back 1983, and luckily, after looooong period of time (to be correct – 30 fucking years!!!!) musicians gathered again with ORIGINAL line-up and ready to kick your ass with some heavy metal tunes!

The songs on “Too Hot To Handle” are really hot, but not to handled, but to forgot after listening, they are old but for me sounds fresh, ‘coz I like alot such kind of music, thus I just will listen to this stuff pretty often.

Asd a critic I can finish this review by next words just – if you like heavy metal of old days and (main) FROM old days, with rhythms, filled with unfogretable atmosphere of old metal era; typical light but hard guitars, clear vocals and reach for tempo-changes, melodies and guitar solos music! From old hearts to old hearts!


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(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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