Review: Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Review: Bram Stoker’s Dracula

- in Reviews

Bram Stoker’s Dracula
5th May, 2017
Cadabra Records

If you are fan of horror genre, than Cadabra Records specializes in Spoken Arts is the right choice for you. Fans of horror genre should enjoy in in shortened adaptation of Bram Stoker’s masterpiece “Dracula”, released on 5th May, 2017 in arangement with Bleak december Inc.

Although gothic novel of Count Dracula was immortalized in numerous movies, this audio version gives us unique experience. I was listening digital recording and I enjoyed, so I just can imagine what would be the experience if I would have opportunity to hold vinyl in my hands.

Cast responsible for this incredible journey is led by Tony Todd who celebrates 30 years in acting career interpreting Count Dracula himself:

“I’m so proud to lend my voicings to Bram Stoker’s DRACULA.”

You need to be a master to summarize story of Count Dracula in short script. You need to be extraordinary actor to bring life to unforgettable characters of world literature. Tony Todd (Count Dracula), Anthony D.P. Mann (Dr. Van Helsing), Steve Spencer (Detective Holmwood), Becca Fryer (Lucy Seward), Dave Hudson (Dr. Seward), Nikolas Yuen (Marcus Renfield), Richard Boyer (Attendant), Robin DeKleine-Stimpson (Beggar Woman), Ilke Hincer (Ship Captain), Lisa Mann (Woman in Crowd) are responsible for extraordinary experience.

Chilling effects presented by horse trot, baby cry, massively closing doors, werewolf roar, broken glass are completing horrifying scenes.

Brent Holland, multi award winning music composer, did amazing job. Music is discreet enough, so it is not distracting listener. Focus is on vocal interpretation, music is in the service of emphasizing atmosphere.

Production is perfect.

There is nothing more to say: DRACULA LIVES!

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