Review: Craving Angel “Redemption”

Review: Craving Angel “Redemption”

- in Reviews

Craving Angel “Redemption”
Minotauro records

It seems that this band came back from beyond some time ago. They were born in 1984 and released their first demo “Craving Angel” three years later. And then… To be honest, I didn’t read about so unlucky band since long time. They played gigs in several clubs, but their phonographic activity was over from several reasons. Finally they released full-length “Dark Horse” in 2014 (in meantime they moved back from Los Angeles to Minneapolis/St. Paul (Minnesota). Then a little bad luck came again to the band and that’s why second album came out after more or less three years.

Well, won’t mention more facts from band’s history If you’re curious – just write mail which’s under review and Buddy will tell you everything. Here we haven’t place for that. So it’ll be much better to talk a little about music enclosed on “Redemption”. This album contains seventeen songs of as classic as it can only be Heavy Metal. And this music is stronger connected with roots of Heavy Metal than NWOBHM. It doesn’t change fact that riffs are mostly heavy and plated ballsy. Of course they’re calmer in ballads, almost acoustic, but still we’re able to hear in them this something. Jimmy plays as variously as such music enable that. Somebody could of course say that he plays easy riffs and solos which aren’t complicated. Well, maybe. But Heavy Metal and not some fuckin’ frolics on guitar (in Polish it rhymes)!

The same maybe easy, but various and plated the same ballsy are parts of bass and drums. By the way, it was also Jimmy who recorded it.  Buddy who’s here the only original (that’s truth: he wasn’t founder of the band and joined it after some time, but…) member is responsible for vocal. Of course he sings with clean voice, but it’s mostly hoarse. Besides even deaf couldn’t hear energy in that!

So, that’s very good music for lovers of classic Heavy Metal. Anyway, these guys have material for few much albums (when Jimmy started to write music he couldn’t stop). For me this is very good news!!! Also hope so they’ll have finally luck and be able to play some gigs – maybe even with musicians from basic line-up what’s dream of Buddy as I know.


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